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Strug­gling na­tion­al­i­ties to as­sem­ble in Am­rit­sar on 10 Dec Hu­man Rights Day

Amritsar - Un­der the aegis of the Sikh po­lit­i­cal body -Dal Khalsa, in a far-reach­ing move, the lead­er­ship and del­e­gates from var­i­ous states of In­dia which see a con­tin­u­ous vi­o­la­tion of hu­man rights, will gather in Am­rit­sar on the his­toric World Hu­man Rights Day, 10 De­cem­ber, to pay obei­sance at Dar­bar Sahib -the Golden Tem­ple and to de­lib­er­ate upon the state of af­fairs of the strug­gling na­tion­al­i­ties -Kash­miris, Sikhs, Tamils, Na­gas, Twiprassa and oth­ers. WSN re­ports.

Tak­ing stock of the hu­man rights po­si­tion in In­dia to­day, there is a dire need to chal­lenge the bru­tal­iza­tion, po­lice ex­cesses, grow­ing in­tol­er­ance and cen­tral­iza­tion process of the In­dian state.

This meet has been called to ex­press sol­i­dar­ity with strug­gling na­tion­al­i­ties, peo­ples and re­gional iden­ti­ties, said Kan­warpal Singh, a se­nior leader of the Dal Khalsa at a press meet held at the party of­fice of the Dal Khalsa.

Kan­warpal Singh told the me­dia that Tamil na­tion­al­ist ide­o­logue and the chief co­or­di­na­tor of po­lit­i­cal party Naam Tami­lar Katchi from Tamil Nadu -Sen­thamizhan See­man will at­tend the meet. Three lead­ing ac­tivists from Na­ga­land of the Naga Peo­ples Move­ment for Hu­man Rights -Nein­gulu Krome, Neiv­otso Venuh and A Ken­neth, who fight for the rights of the Naga peo­ple and sup­port the Naga Peace Process with the gov­ern­ment of In­dia and rep­re­sen­ta­tives of Tripura Peo­ple’s Front from Tripura, led by Madam Patal Kanya Ja­ma­tia, the party fight­ing for rights of Twiprasa in­dige­nous peo­ples will also par­tic­i­pate. Ac­tivists and lead­ers from Kash­mir and from amongst the Sikhs in Pun­jab will also par­tic­i­pate.

Tamil leader See­man, Naga Hu­man Rights ac­tivists Nein­gulu Krome, Neiv­otso Venuh, A Ken­neth and Tripura Peo­ple’s Front del­e­gates from Agar­tala will at­tend the first of its kind Strug­gling Na­tion­al­i­ties Peo­ple’s Rights Meet on 10 De­cem­ber Hu­man Rights Day to ex­press sol­i­dar­ity and sup­port for each other.

Call­ing the meet the first of its kind, Kan­war Pal Singh said that the lead­er­ship of var­i­ous na­tion­al­i­ties will jointly go to the Golden Tem­ple in the morn­ing and dis­cuss the hu­man rights sit­u­a­tion at a sep­a­rate meet in the evening.

Ad­dress­ing the press meet­ing, Gen­eral Sec­re­tary of the party -Paramjeet Singh Tanda said that the re­cent killings of in­no­cent civil­ians are highly con­demnable and the Union gov­ern­ment is sin­gu­larly re­spon­si­ble for the killing and that this hap­pened be­cause the gov­ern­ment has given full im­punity to se­cu­rity forces un­der AF­SPA. He said the os­si­fi­ca­tion of Naga talks is a man­i­fes­ta­tion of the In­dian Union not ac­com­mo­dat­ing the po­lit­i­cal de­mands of the Naga peo­ple.

Spokesman Paramjit Singh Mand said that the Peo­ple’s Rights Meet is be­ing held to fo­cus on hu­man rights and civil rights in In­dia to­day, which have been so se­verely curbed and con­trolled that In­dia is fast de­gen­er­at­ing into a to­tal­i­tar­ian and ma­jori­tar­ian state. Free­dom of ex­pres­sion, right to dis­sent and right to pri­vacy is se­verely un­der­mined and ha­rass­ment, tor­ture and ar­rests are wide­spread in Pun­jab, he added. He fur­ther added that the re­peal of Ar­ti­cle 370, 35A in Kash­mir fol­lowed by curb­ing of civil lib­er­ties and fake en­coun­ters is a tes­ta­ment to how to­tal­i­tar­i­an­ism and ma­jori­tar­ian regimes dis­tort civil lib­er­ties. He con­demned the ar­rest of hu­man rights de­fender Khur­ram Par­vaiz by the NIA. Free­dom of ex­pres­sion, right to dis­sent and right to pri­vacy is se­verely un­der­mined and ha­rass­ment, tor­ture and ar­rests are wide­spread in Pun­jab. “The ap­a­thy of the gov­ern­ment to­wards the anti-CAA move­ment con­tin­ues, po­lit­i­cal pris­on­ers con­tinue to lan­guish in jails across the coun­try. Mus­lims and Dal­its con­tinue to live in a cli­mate of fear due to a sus­tained hate nar­ra­tive against them. He chided the Naren­dra Modi Govt for re­fus­ing to rec­og­nize the deaths of 700 farm­ers and Lakhim­pur Kheri in­ci­dent in which 3 farm­ers and a jour­nal­ist were crushed to death.


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